2010 - SavageMan

2010 - SavageMan

2010 was a big year for triathlons for me, I did Ironman France in the early Summer, qualified for and competed at duathlon worlds in Edinburgh and did SavageMan just 2 weeks after that (along with a few shorter races here and there).

SavageMan is a half iron distance race (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, 13.1 mile run) in Deep Creek Maryland and it’s special because it is hilly, really hilly, including The Wall - a hill at the start of a 7 mile climb with over a 31% grade. That’s steep, so steep that cars aren’t allowed on it, so steep that about half the people that attempt the climb on a bike fall over, so steep that if you don’t fall off your bike and finish the race you get a brick with your name in it paved into the road. After I heard about the brick of course I had to do this race, I mean you can get a brick! What follows is my account of the 2010 SavageMan half Iron distance race along with some [present day comments in brackets].

Race Report

Pre Race

For savageman I was worried about the bike (even though I did IM france this year and du worlds which was a little hilly as well). Mostly because Debi [my coach] suggested getting a different cog in the back to make it easier to climb, which I didn’t do for France so thought I would be alright, until prerace talking to the other racers who pre rode the course (something else I should have done) and they all had switched out their cogs. A few days before the race I also decided not to go for time, but just try and get a brick - which was after my unsuccessful attempt at running without socks which resulted in large blisters.


I was comfortable going into the swim and to save my legs (and because I never do) I didn’t kick hard. The water was a good temperature for wetsuits - I wasn’t cold and didn’t get hot either. Before the race I put on 2nd skin to try and cover my blisters, the guy at the running store said it would stay on in the water - it did not. The run up to transition was pretty quick and when I got to my bike I debated taking the time to put on more 2nd skin, but then the guy next to me showed up and I decided to just go without.


[it was beautiful out in Deep Creek]

The bike starts with a small climb out of the state park and then about 18miles of downhills and small rollers. It got pretty cold because I was barely pedalling and flying downhill at 30mph and still all wet from the swim. Then we get to Westernport where there is a short gradual uphill, a lefthand turn and then you see The Wall. At each cross street it went flat and then seemed to get even steeper after that, and from the bottom it is hard to believe a bike wouldn’t just flip over backwards when trying to go up. I went up the first section in my 2nd to lowest gear and switched to the lowest when I hit the first cross street (could have used that easier cog here), but I stood up and just cranked it out.

[it’s hard to show slope in a picture, but trust me it was steep]

By the second to last section I was vaguely aware of my surroundings, before the race I made a mental note to look at the street for bricks from previous years and I did not find them. The last section has broken pavement which did not help, but also crowds and crowds of people, and somehow through all their cheering and shouting I made it all the way up. Of course then there was another 6 miles of climbing! The rest of the course I took it easy on the downhills/flats and then shot into z4-5 on the named climbs while not trying to go fast, just trying to get over them. Blisters were doing ok since the heel of my cycling shoe did not reach them.

[I’m the second rider in the video, the race organizers were supposed to have a great camera setup and get everyone going up The Wall, but it malfunctioned race day. Luckily I was able to find this clip of me from some random person on youtube who was watching the race]

Comparing this bike course to France, France had longer climbs but nothing as steep and also longer descents which were really nice. I averaged 16.9 at savageman and 17.7 at France so it is a slower course even though its half as long. The scenery in France is not outdone by Deep Creek, it was very nice in Maryland but I didn’t want to get off my bike and just take it all in (although I did want to get off my bike and give my legs a rest). I’m not sure if its because I can still feel the soreness of savageman (and by this point France is a happy memory) but I think it was a tougher course than France. If I had to choose one bike course to do again it would be France.


The run is a 2 loop course with rolling hills and about 3/4 into each lap a gravel trail climb for about 1/4 of a mile. First loop was quicker than the second, and I could feel myself slowing down even when I hit the 10 mile mark. I made it all the way up the trail climb both times and took my first walking stint at the top on the second lap. Told myself it was all downhill from here and finished strong. Blisters hurt a bit during this run (and I got a few new ones) and my racing flats now have some nice dried blood on the inside - but the shoes did pretty good considering.

Post Race

Overall I was very pleased just to finish, and to not fall off my bike. After showering and getting some food my mom came over and told me I got third in my age group, I didn’t believe her. I went and checked the results myself and still didn’t really believe it. But now I have a new decoration for my office!


Overall 5:45:54
Swim 29:32 (1:31/100m)
T1 3:33
Bike 3:18:15 (16.9mph)
T2 2:13
Run 1:52:23 (8:34/mile)

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