

So I have made pesto pizza but haven’t shown you how to make Pesto yet, well here’s my recipe.  I’ve got a basil plant growing in my apartment that I haven’t managed to kill yet, even after my first harvest of the leaves (which were used for this pesto).  This is my plant after harvesting, I got about 1.5-2cups of packed leaves depending on how tightly you packed them.

If you can’t tell from the picture, its snowing outside.  In March.  In Virginia.  The one time of the year it actually sticks to the ground here and they didn’t even cancel work.  Oh well.

And then process until it looks like pesto.  And presto, you have pesto!

You can use it right away, or freeze it in an airtight container for later.


-2 cups packed fresh basil leaves
-2 cloves garlic
-1/4 cup pine nuts
-1/2 cup olive oil
-1/2cup parmesan cheese
-salt and pepper

Put ingredients into food processor.  Process.

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